Sunday, June 15, 2008

No a la MAT

After a long, long, long time without any new photo, I think that its time to restart the blog.

Here a picture I made some months ago, near home, against the MAT (línea de Molt Alta Tensió) that would be near home.

I liked it for the originality :-)


MacMan said...

Nice! A angry giant hay-man can be very persuasive. I for one would be terrified by it, being allergic and all... :-)

So I totally agree with him: no MAT!

Matgala said...

Oh! You are still here :-D Well, you will have an e-mail in a few days (really!!!) And there is a post for the following weekend :-)

The giant was there for months. Two weeks ago, it disappeared :-( So, I decided to put it here, to remember it :-)

No MAT!!! Well, I suppose you know what it is!!!

MacMan said...

Oh, I thought it said "no MATh." :-D

"Línea de Molt Alta Tensió" sounds to me like "huge electromagnetic fields": it's not a thing I'd be glad to have near home. :-(

Well actually I have a powerline passing right over my house, but I don't think it could qualify as a "very high voltage" line...

Matgala said...

:-D No Math!!! It's funny! I didn't thought that this could seem No math! I think that when I hear "NO MAT" or when I see it on every stop near home, I would think in No Math! :-D

You are right with "huge electromagnetic fields" It will pass 1 Km far from home. There is a web page here. It says that there is info in Italian!!!

Matgala said...

Look at this picture of how it will be.

MacMan said...

It says there is information in Italian, but it's lying! :-)

Anyway the picture explains a lot. It doesn't look too much different from the landscape I see from my house, except the steel pillars are further from each other. And what about the chimneys? Are they going to build a power plant as well?

Anyway, do they ruin the landscape? Sure they do. But our homes are now filled of appliances, and you need to power them somehow.
I guess a nice way would be to lay the powerlines underground. But I'm afraid that's much more expensive, and anyway I'm not sure it's feasible for bringing the lines across those hills.

Health shouldn't be a concern because I think 1 Km is far enough.

Oh and the thing about MATh was a joke. I guess it's got "lost in translation". :-)

Matgala said...

I saw that there was information in Italian, but... I didn't find it! I thought that it was because I don't speak Italian :-D

The MAT is the connexion of electricity between France and Spain. I think that it must be bigger than the ones you are talking about, but I don't know how are the ones you have. But I don't really know how big they are. Let me see... I have searched it and it says that the towers are between 40 and 60 meters high.